mission accomplished

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I have over 15 years' experience of operational management in the charity and not-for-profit sectors, including budgeting and forecasting, liaising with accountants and auditors, managing IT and office systems, conference and events organisation, as well as general office management.

Current/former clients include:

CIVICUS World Alliance

The German Academic Exchange Service

Green House Think Tank

Research Autism

Stakeholder Forum

And - should you need it - I have practical experience of answering the sort of questions you'll need to ask when closing down your organisation.

Closing down an organisation can be complex. It's important to send out the right messages to staff, stakeholders and the general public, whilst also fulfilling all the necessary legal obligations. This organisation is an example of a successful closure process I have managed:
The Anglo-German Foundation

I have also given advice and provided consultancy services to a group of spend out trusts and foundations convened by the Institute for Philanthropy. (See the Institute's report "The Power of Now" - 2.29MB - for further details.)

If you would like to discuss what I could do to assist you, please get in touch via the contact page. There is no charge for an initial consultation.

Thank you for your interest!

Ann Pfeiffer MA (Oxon), Dip Econ (Open), Cert Acc (Open)

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